Introduction to English Version
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 General Requirements
3.1 Basic Data
3.2 Determination of Slope Class
3.3 Operational Conditions of Slopes
3.4 Criteria for Factor of Safety Against Sliding
4 Identification of Slope Stability and Determination of Shear Strength Parameters of Rock/Soil Mass
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Identification of Failure Modes and Stability
4.3 Determination of Shear Strength of Rock Mass
4.4 Determination of Shear Strength of Soil Mass
5 Calculation and Analysis of Slopes
5.1 Seepage Analysis
5.2 Stability Analysis
5.3 Stress and Deformation Analysis
6 Slope Treatment and Reinforcement
6.1 General Requirements
6.2 Unloading, Excavation and Counter Berm
6.3 Drainage and Seepage Control
6.4 Slope Surface Protection
6.5 Non-prestressed Anchors
6.6 Prestressed Anchors
6.7 Supporting/Retaining Structures
6.8 Shear Plugs
7 Safety Monitoring Design
7.1 General Requirements
7.2 Safety Monitoring Items and Instrumentation
7.3 Compilation and Evaluation of Safety Monitoring Data
Annex A Identification of Slope Failure Mode
Annex B Preliminary Evaluation of Rock Slope Stability
Annex C Determination of Shear Strength of Soil Slope
Annex D Slope Stability Against Sliding Analysis
Annex E Determination of Bond Length of
Prestressed Anchor
Annex F Calculation of Slide Resistant Pile
Explanation of Wording