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  Jianghua Han, Ph.D.in linguistics, an as-sociate research professor of the College of Literature and Journalism of Sichuan University, His main research directions are sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, cultur-al linguistics, comparative study of Tai-Ka-dai languages, and language teaching,and he has made some achievements in these areas.He argues that when we study linguistics, we should not only study the on-tology of language, but also explore the relationships among language, notional cognition and culture, as well as multiple social factors, so as to provide a broader
  perspective for our research.
  This book mainly uses the relevant theories of cognitive linguistics (including prototype theory, mental space theory, conceptual integration theory, frame semantics theory, image schema theory, idealized cognitive model theory, conceptual metaphor theory, etc.) to study the poetic metaphors and metonynues expressing character's emotions in A Dream of Red Mansions.The focus of the discussion is mainly on the poetic metaphors and metonymies that express the emotions of characters such as Jia Baoyu and Twelve Beauties of Jinling.The book is divided into the following four parts:The first part is an introduction.This part summarizes the plot of A Dream of Red Mansions as well as the poetic metaphors and metonymies in each plot.Then we discuss and summarize the overall relationship between these poetic metaphors,metonynues and the emotional expression of characters.
  The second part is theoretical analysis.This part makes an in-depth study of the emotional poetic metaphors and metonymies in A Dream of Red Mansions from a theoretical perspective.Firstly, we explore the nature of poetic metaphors and metonymies from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, pointing out that poetic metaphors and metonymies are essentially a conceptual structure and an important cognitive means for poets.Secondly, the prototype theory is used to categorize the emotional poetic metaphors and metonymies in A Dream of Red Mansions, and they are divided into different categories according to the different emotional content expressed.On the basis of categori2:ation, the internal structure of poetic metaphors and metonymies in A Dream of Red Mansions is analyzed in detail by comprehensive use of mental space theory, conceptual integration theory, frame semantics theory, image schema theory, idealized cognitive model theory and so on.According to the internal structure of conceptual integration network, the poetic metaphors and metonymies in A Dream of Red Mansions are divided into five conceptual integration types: simplex networks, mirror networks, single-scope networks, double-scope networks, and conceptual blending chains.The internal structure and characteristics of each conceptual integration type are analyzed in detail.Finally, we also discuss the national cognition mode and national cultural connotation related to these poetic metaphors and metonymies.
  The third part is some topical discussions.It includes five topics.The frrst topic explores the functions of poetic metaphor and metonymy from the cognitive and cultural perspective, pointing out that cogrutive function is the primary function of poetic metaphor and metonymy.The second topic studies the Diangu (典故Classic Allusions) in poetry from the perspective of cognition, pointing out that Diangu is essentially a kind of metaphor.The essence of Diangu is to use the stories or events that have taken place in history to metaphorize events or people in present.The third topic explores the role and status of poetic metaphors and metonymies related to flower in emotional expression in the poems ofA Dream of Red Mansions from the cognitive and cultural perspective.The fourth topic explores the role of poetic metaphors and metonymies in literary creation from the perspective of poetic thought and mind style.The fifih topic explores how to apply conceptual integration theory to the translation ofpoetic metaphors and metonymies from the perspective of cross-cultural communication, and proposes a translation model of poetic metaphor and metonymy based on conceptualintegration model.
  The fourth part is the conclusion and prospect.This part concludes the whole study, and puts forward suggestions for the future study.
Part Ⅰ Introduction
Chapter 1 An Introduction to A Dream of Red Mansions
Chapter 2 The Relationship Between Poetic Metaphors and Metonymies in A Dream of Red Mansions and the Characters' Emotions

Part Ⅱ Theoretical Analysis
Chapter 3 Language Expression or Conceptual Structure:Exploring the Nature of Poetic Metaphor from a Cognitive Perspective
Chapter 4 The Categories ofthe Poetic Metaphors and Metonymies Expressing Characters' Emotions in A Dream of Red Mansions
Chapter 5 The Internal Structure ofPoetic Metaphors and Metonymies Expressing Characters' Emotions in A Dream of Red Mansions

Part Ⅲ Some Topical Discussions
Chapter 6 Literary Mind: The Function of Poetic Metaphor
Chapter 7 Diangu (典故 Classic Allusions) in Poetry:Metaphors or Not
Chapter 8 Poetic Metaphors Related to Flowers in A Dream of Red Mansions: The Best Way to Express Emotion
Chapter 9 Poetic Thought and Mind Style: The Relation of Poetic Metaphor-Metonymy and Literary Creation
Chapter 10 Intercultural Communication: Exploring the Translation Model of Poetic Metaphor Based on Conceptual Integration Theory

Part Ⅳ Conclusion

