Through negation, the world is transformed, holds Hegel, as the spirit moves from the individual sensory This to the generality of the concept, which is in turn characterized through reflexivity. As Alexandre Kojève puts this in his Hegel commentary, the word naming the animal (“the lion,” “the dog”) “does not run, drink and eat”; in order to reveal its essence, the animal must cease to exist as a sensible being and its meaning must be elicited, “abstracted” from it. Through the negativity of language, what we leave behind is nothing but the positivity of images. Or to say this in Hegel’s own terms: “The world, nature is no longer a realm of images [...] it is a realm of names.” “The image is killed and the word takes the place of the image.”
一 “重置时间:艺术、技术与当代的未来”专题
I. Reset Time: Art, Technology and the Future of the Contemporary
Time Arrives from the Future: Time-Complex and Post-Contemporaneity /
Christophe Genin
Time-Complex—Towards a New Philosophy of Time from the Future / Armen Avanessian
创造性时机与当代艺术的思想基础/ 孙周兴
马奈与印象派绘画中的时间/ 沈语冰
节奏与技术:论海德格尔对兰波的评论/ 许 煜
世界,就是死频道上的残像——由《神经漫游者》重思赛博格教旨/ 姜宇辉
二 “观想:图像及其受众”专题
II. How Do Images Think? An International Symposium
On Pictorial Negation / Emmanuel Alloa
The Visual Principles of Transgression: An Anthropology of Western Culture /
Gil Bartholeyns
Weightless: Face, Faciality and Body / Chiara Cappelletto
On Figure and Ground in Dunhuang Mural Painting / Wang Yudong
金版《文姬归汉图》骑马人物形象研究/ 杨贤宗 柯 腾
Image and Body: A Bergsonian Proposal to Prof. Belting’s Anthropological Approach /
Sun Ning
三 艺术史研究专题
III. Studies in Art History
南宋山水画的崇高成就及其美学境界/ 王 毅
塞尚的诗歌《恐怖的故事》与他的早期绘画/ 徐克舰
四 特稿与书评
IV. Features and Book Reviews
美国《十月》杂志的诞生/ 鲁明军
写作作为一种时刻——关于哈尔·福斯特《实在的回归》的写作/ 王音洁
现代主义的“不确定性”——T. J.克拉克于20世纪90年代的现代主义研究/ 杨娟娟
Call for Papers: Journal of History and Philosophy of Art