(二) 政策教育广泛凝聚社会共识
1. 聚焦政策热点,引导公众关注方向
2. 解读政策条款,帮助公众理解内容
3. 凝聚社会共识,营造良好政策氛围
导言:新型智库建设与国家治理体系现代化 / 001
专题一 国家高端智库与省市重点新型智库建设进展 / 013
一、国家高端智库建设进展 / 013
二、省市重点新型智库建设进展 / 031
三、对国家高端和省市重点新型智库建设的几点建议 / 043
专题二 新型智库成为决策咨询新生力量 / 047
一、决策咨询是新型智库的首要功能 / 048
二、新型智库成为政策共同体的重要成员 / 049
三、嵌入政策过程有力促进了决策的科学性与规范性 / 057
四、小结 / 067
专题三 新型智库传播能力有了长足进步 / 068
一、智库传播赋能的重要性 / 068
二、基于CTTI来源智库的传播现状分析 / 071
三、智库传播存在问题和对策建议 / 082
专题四 智库在对外关系中扮演重要角色 / 088
一、新时代外交战略的新变化 / 088
二、发挥自身优势,积极投身外交活动 / 091
三、智库服务外交工作的主要路径 / 096
四、对策建议 / 104
专题五 新型智库网络与智库共同体的形成 / 108
一、多维聚力形成了各具特色的智库网络 / 108
二、高水准的智库交流活动促进了智库网络的发育 / 119
三、智库共同体协同创新为智库建设提质增效 / 125
专题六 国家与学术:新时代智库研究进展 / 130
一、国家需求驱动学术发展 / 130
二、学术发展积极响应国家政策——智库研究成果实现突破性增长 / 135
三、推进我国智库知识体系制度化进程 / 138
一、CTTI三期系统简介 / 155
(一) CTTI系统的建设历程 / 155
(二) CTTI系统的总体架构 / 156
(三) CTTI的主要功能 / 160
(四) CTTI系统的主要特征 / 175
二、2019年度CTTI来源智库证书更新与新智库增补 / 179
(一) CTTI来源智库证书换发 / 179
(二) 2019年度CTTI来源智库目录增补 / 180
(三) 增补后CTTI来源智库机构信息透视 / 184
三、CTTI来源智库人力资源特征 / 191
(一) CTTI来源智库人力总体情况 / 191
(二) 专家学科分析 / 192
(三) 专家年龄分析 / 193
四、CTTI来源智库产出数据分析 / 195
(一) CTTI来源智库成果数据分析 / 195
(二) CTTI来源智库活动数据分析 / 204
五、CTTI来源智库分政策领域数据扫描 / 206
(一) 宏观经济与国际贸易领域 / 207
(二) 产业与金融领域 / 209
(三) 区域国别研究领域 / 211
(四) 国际关系与外交政策 / 212
(五) 党的建设与国家治理领域 / 214
(六) 社会治理与社会保障领域 / 217
(七) 城乡发展与区域协调发展领域 / 219
(八) 法律与司法政策 / 222
(九) 公共安全领域 / 224
(十) 文化政策领域 / 226
(十一) 教育政策领域 / 228
(十二) 生态文明领域 / 230
(十三) 能源与基础设施领域 / 231
(十四) 信息与科技领域 / 233
(十五) 扶贫政策与“三农”问题 / 235
(十六) “一带一路”领域 / 237
(十七) 综合型智库 / 239
CTTI来源智库目录(2019) / 242
Introduction: The Construction of a New Type of Think Tanks and the Modernization of Chinas National Governance System / 277
Part One Research on the Construction of New Think Tanks with Chinese Characteristics from 2015 to 2019
Topic 1 Building Progress of New National HighEnd and Provincial & Municipal Key Think Tanks / 295
Building Progress of National HighEnd Think Tanks / 296
Building Progress of New Provincial & Municipal Key Think Tanks / 326
Suggestions on the Construction of New National HighEnd and Provincial Key Think Tanks / 346
Topic 2 New Types of Think Tanks Become an Emerging Force of DecisionMaking Consultation / 353
Offering Consultation Services Is the Main Function of New Types of Think Tanks / 354
New Type of Think Tanks Have Become an Important Member of the PolicyMaking Community / 357
Think Tanks Are Integrated into PolicyMaking Process to Promote Scientific and Regulated PolicyMaking / 370
Summary / 385
Topic 3 Communication Abilities of New Type Think Tanks Embody Remarkable Progress / 387
The Significance of Communication Energization of Think Tanks / 388
Status Quo Analysis of Communication of CTTI Source Think Tanks / 392
Existing Problems of Think Tank Communication, Countermeasures and Suggestions / 407
Topic 4 Think Tanks Play an Important Role in External Relations / 418
New Changes of Diplomatic Strategy in the New Era / 419
Take an Active Part in Diplomatic Activities by Exerting Its Advantages / 423
The Main Ways for Think Tanks to Serve Diplomacy / 432
Suggestions / 445
Topic 5 Formation of New Type Think Tank Community: Think Tank Network and Communication Progress / 451
Full Cohesion: Think Tank Network Laying the Foundations for Think Tank Community / 452
Multidimensional Empowerment: Think Tank Communication Strengthening Think Tank Community / 468
Collaborative Development: Think Tank Community Upgrading Think Tank Construction / 479
Topic 6 Countries and Academy: Progress of Think Tank Research in the New Era / 487
National Demand Drives Academic Development / 488
Academic Development Caters for National Policies—Think Tank Research Makes Breakthrough Achievements / 495
Think Tank Knowledge System Should Be More Institutionalized / 498
Part Two Chinese Think Tank Index Source
Think Tanks Report
A Brief Introduction to the Three Phases of CCTI System / 525
1.1 The Construction Process of CTTI System / 525
1.2 The Overall Architecture of CTTI System / 527
1.3 Main Functions of CTTI / 532
1.4 The Main Characteristics of CTTI System / 555
2. Certificate Renewal of Source Think Tanks and Addition of New CTTI Think Tanks in 2019 / 561
2.1 Certificate Replacement of CTTI Source Think Tanks / 561
2.2 Addition to Catalogue of CTTI Source Think Tanks in 2019 / 562
2.3 Information Perspective of CTTI Source Think Tanks after Addition / 570
3. Features of the Human Resources of Source Think Tanks / 582
3.1 General Introduction of the Human Resources of Source Think Tanks / 582
3.2 Analysis of Research Fields of the Specialists / 584
3.3 Analysis of Ages of the Specialists / 586
4. Analysis on Output Database of CTTI Source Think Tanks / 588
4.1 Analysis on Product Database of CTTI Source Think Tanks / 588
4.2 Analysis on Event Database of CTTI Source Think Tanks / 599
5. Data Scanning of CTTI Source Think Tanks in Different Policy Areas / 604
5.1 Macroeconomy and International Trade / 605
5.2 Industry and Finance / 609
5.3 Regional and National Research / 612
5.4 International Relations and Foreign Policies / 615
5.5 Party Building and National Governance / 618
5.6 Social Governance and Social Security / 623
5.7 Urban and Rural Development and Regional Coordinated Development / 627
5.8 Law and Judicial Policies / 632
5.9 Public Security / 637
5.10 Culture Policy / 639
5.11 Education Policy / 643
5.12 Ecological Conservation / 646
5.13 Energy and Infrastructure / 649
5.14 Information and Technology / 652
5.15 Poverty Alleviation and Three Rural Issues / 656
5.16 The Belt and Road Initiative / 660
5.17 Comprehensive Think Tanks / 663
Think Tanks in CTTI (2019) / 667