Simultaneous Determination of Diaveridine, Trimethoprim and Ormetoprim in Feed Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry YANG Yajun, LIU Xiwang, LI Bing, LI Shihong, KONG Xiaojun, QIN zhe, LI Jianyong
The Coordinated Regulation of Na+ and K+ in Hordeum Brevisubulatum Responding to Time of Salt Stress WANG Chunmei, XIA zengrun, WU Guoqiang, YUAN Huijun, WANG Xinrui, LI Jinhua, TIAN Fuping, ZHANG Qian, ZHU Xinqiang, HE Jiongjie, KUMAR Tanweer, WANG Xiaoli, ZHANG Jinlin
Genome-wide Association Study Identifies Loci for the Polled Phenotype in Yak LIANG Chunnian, WANG Lizhong, WU Xiaoyun, WANG Kun, DING Xuezhi, WANG Mingcheng, CHU Min, XIE Xiuyue, QIU Qiang, YAN Ping
Integrated Analysis of the Roles of Long Noncoding RNA and Coding RNA Expression in Sheep (Ovis aries) Skin during Initiation of Secondary Hair Follicle YUE Yaojing, GUO Tingting, YUAN Chao, LIU Jianbin, GUO Jian, FENG Ruilin, NIU Chune, SUN Xiaoping, YANG Bohui
Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Evolution of Tibetan Sheep Based on mtDNA D-Loop Sequences LIU Jianbin, DING xuezhi, ZENG Yufeng, YUE Yaojing, GUO Xian, GUO Tingting, CHU Min, WANG Fan, HAN Jilong, FENG Ruilin, SUN Xiaoping, NIU Chune, YANG Bohui, GUO Jian, YUAN Chao
Evaluation of Crossbreeding of Australian Superfine Merinos with Gansu Alpine Finewool Sheep to Improve Wool Characteristics LI Wenhuj, GUO Jian, LI Fanwen, NIII Chune
Microwave-assisted Extraction of Three Bioactive Alkaloids from Peganum harmala L.and Their Acaricidal Activity against Psoroptes cuniculi in Vitro SHANG Xiaofei, GU0 Xiao, LI Bing, PAN Hu, ZHANG Jiyu, ZHANG Yu, MIAO Xiaolou
Synthesis and PharmacologicaI Evaluation of Novel Pleuromutilin Derivatives with Substituted Benzimidazole Moieties AI Xin, PU Xiuying, YI Yunpeng, LIU Yu, XU Shuijin, LIANG Jianping, SHANG Ruofeng
Short Communication: N-Acetylcysteine-mediated Modulation of Antibiotic Susceptibility of Bovine Mastitis Pathogens YANG F., LIU L.H., LI X.P, LUO J.Y, ZHANG Z., YAN Z.T., ZHANG S.D., and LI H.S.
Influences of Season, Parity, Lactation, udder Area, Milk Yield, and Clinical Symptoms on Intramammary Infection in Dairy Cows ZHANG Z., LI X.P, YANG F., LUO J.Y, WANG X.R., LIU L.H., LI H.S.
Acaricidal Activity of Oregano oil and its Major Component, Carvacrol, Thymol and p-cymene Against Psoroptes cuniculi in Vitro and in Vivo SHANG Xiaofei, WANG Yu, ZHOU Xuzheng, GUO Xiao, DONG Shuwei, WANG Dongsheng, ZHANG Jiyu, PAN Hu, ZHANG Yu, MIA0 Xiaolou
Lowering Effrects of Aspirin Eugenol Ester on Blood Lipids in Rats with High Fat Diet KARAM Isam, MA Ning, LIU xiwang, KONG Xiaojun, ZHAO Xiaole, YANG Yajun, LI Jianyong
Characterization of the Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of Wild Yak (Bos mutus) LIANG Chunnian, WU Xiaoyun, DING Xuezhi, WANG Hongbo, GUO Xian, CHU Min, BAO Pengjia, YAN Ping
Determination of Antibacterial agent Tilmicosin in Pig Plasma by LC/MS/MS and its Application to Pharmacokinetics LI Bing, GONG Shiyue, ZHOU Xuzheng, YANG Yajun, LI Jianyong, WEI Xiaojuan, CHENG Fusheng, NIU Jianrong, LIU Xiwang, ZHANG Jiyu
Evaluation on Antithrombotic Effect of Aspirin Eugenol Ester from the View
of Platelet Aggregation, Hemorheology, TXB2/6-keto-PGF1α and Blood Biochemistry in Rat Model MA Ning, LIU Xiwang, YANG Yajun, SHEN Dongshuai, ZHA0 Xiaole, MOHAMED Isam, KONG Xiaojun, LI Jianyong
Multi-Residue Method for the Screening of Benzimidazole and Metabolite Residues in the Muscle and Liver of Sheep and Cattle Using HPLC/PDAD with DVB-NVP-S03Na for Sample Treatment X1IONG Lin, HUANG Lele, SHIMO Shimo-Peter, LI Weihong, YANG Xiaolin, YAN Ping
Treatment of the Retained Placenta in Dairy Cows: Comparison of a Systematic Antibiosis with an oral Administered Herbal Powder Based on Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine CUI Dongan, WANG Shengyi, WANG Lei, WANG Hui, LI Jianxi, TUO Xin, HUANG Xueli, LIU Yongming
The Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Hequ Tibetan Mastiff Canis Lupus Familiaris (Carnivora: Canidae) GU0 Xian, PEI Jie, BAO Pengjia, YAN Ping, LU Dengxue
Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Samples Obtained from Farms in Gansu, China HUANG M.Z., WANG H., WANG S.Y, CUI D.A., TUO X., LIUYM.
Association of Genetic Variations in the ACLY Gene with Growth Traits in Chinese Beef Cattle LI M.N., GUO X., BAO PJ., WU X.Y, DING X.Z., CHU M., LIANG C.N., YAN P.