Chapter 1 Tagore and His Song Offerings
Chapter 2 George Bernard Shaw and His Social Critique
Chapter 3 Thomas Mann and Literary Classicism
Chapter 4 Pearl.S.Buck and Her Vision of China
Chapter 5 William Faulkner and the American South
Chapter 6 Winston Churchill and the Power of Speech
Chapter 7 Earnest Hemingway and the Simplicity of Language
Chapter 8 Albert Camus and the Philosophy of Absurdity
Chapter 9 Toni Momson and the Deconstruction of Cultural Myth
Chapter 10 Wislawa Szymborska and Her Poetics of Daily Life
Chapter 11 Mo Yan and the Artistry of Language
Chapter 12 Alice Munro and "A Room of One's Own"
Chapter 13 Svetlana Alexievich and the Literariness of Reportage