南海Ⅰ号的船体木材树种鉴定 周逸航 王恺 孙键 崔勇 胡东波(1)
故宫养心殿后檐窗罩明瓦的分析研究 陈雪琦 张 琼 狄雅静 王恺(12)
周原遗址西周墓葬板灰的初步研究 周逸航 王恺 孙庆伟 胡东波(30)
海昏侯墓车马坑鎏金青铜器腐蚀现象研究 蔡毓真胡东波(44)
鎏金工艺研究 蔡毓真 胡东波(59)
昌宁大甸山墓地出土部分青铜器制作工艺与锈蚀成因研究 胡毅捷 王黎锐 杨帆 施晓雪 陈建立 胡东波(76)
木雕彩绘菩萨立像的科学分析 李广华 谢扬帆 张雪雁 王娜 屈峰 雷勇(91)
浅析正定开元寺龟趺断面人工凿痕的功能 周双林 高海彦 陈伟(109)
鄂尔多斯北魏鎏金牌饰字迹形成工艺的科学分析 王嘉堃 周双林 张恒金(113)
徐楼出土青铜舟红铜铸镶蝠形纹饰CT成像解析 刘百舸 胡钢(120)
山东枣庄徐楼东周墓出土不知名器初探 张夏 胡钢 胡东波 刘绪 王丽华 石敬东(129)
海洋环境中石质文物腐蚀研究 涂元葳 李壮王昊胡东波(137)
故宫室外铜质文物评估系统的初步建立及应用 盛崇珊 张琼 胡钢(153)
徐楼出土红铜铸镶青铜敦的腐蚀特征研究 刘婕 胡钢 周华(172)
西藏手工纸的光稳定性和荧光效应研究 贾明浩 黄晓霞 蔡梦玲 张美芳 胡钢(180)
古陶瓷修复——全色材料表面强度与耐候性研究 温建华 胡东波(192)
古陶瓷修复——补配材料硬度与对陶器破坏性研究 温建华 胡东波(207)
无机溶胶对粉化玉质文物加固作用的研究 黄希 胡东波(222)
铁质文物表面超疏水修饰及性能 胡沛 胡东波 胡钢(235)
X射线荧光分析在文物分析中的应用 张欣睿(244)
二氧化钛纳米材料在石质文物保护中的应用及研究进展 何静 胡东波(255)
Research Reports
Wood Identification of Nanhai No.1 Shipwreck Zhou Yihang, Wang Kai, Sun Jian, Cui Yong, Hu Dongbo(11)
Studies of Mingwa on the Rear Eave Window Cover of Yangxin Hall in the Imperial Palace Chen Xueqi, Zhang Qiong, Di Yajing, Wang Kai(29)
Preliminary Study on the Coffin Ashes from Zhouyuan Site of Western Zhou Dynasty Zhou Yihang, Wang Kai, Sun Qingwei, Hu Dongbo(42)
Research on the Corrosion Phenomenon of Golding Bronze in Carriages Pit of Haihunhou Tomb Tsai Yuchen, Hu Dongbo(58)
Research on Golding Technology Tsai Yuchen, Hu Dongbo(75)
The Research on the Manufacturing Technology and Corrosion Causes of the Bronzes Excavated from Dadianshan Cemetery, Changning Hu Yijie, Wang Lirui, Yang Fan, Shi Xiaoxue, Chen Jianli, Hu Dongbo(90)
Scientific Analysis of a Wooden Polychrome Bodhisattva Sculpture from the Palace Museum Li Guanghua, Xie Yangfan, Zhang Xueyan, Wang Na, Qu Feng, Lei Yong(107)
Brief Analysis of the Function of Artificial Chisel Marks on the Cross Section of Kaiyuan Temple Guifu in Zhengding Zhou Shuanglin, Gao Haiyan, Chen Wei(112)
Scientific Analysis of the Forming Process of Gold-plated Writing in Ordos Northern Wei Dynasty Wang Jiakun, Zhou Shuanglin, Zhang Hengjin(119)
Analysis of CT Images of the Bat-shaped Copper Inlaid Ornament on a Zhou (vessel) Excavated from Xulou in Zaozhuang Liu Baige, Hu Gang(128)
Preliminary Studies on the Nameless Bronze Excavated from the Eastern Zhou Tombs at Xulou in Zaozhuang, Shandong Zhang Xia, Hu Gang, Hu Dongbo, Liu Xu, Wang Lihua, Shi Jingdong(135)
Research on Corrosion of Stone Artifacts in Marine Environment Tu Yuanwei, Li Zhuang, Wang Hao, Hu Dongbo(152)
Preliminary Establishment and Application of the Evaluation System of Outdoor Copper Cultural Relics in the Forbidden City Sheng Chongshan, Zhang Qiong, Hu Gang(171)
Study on Corrosion Characteristics of Two Pieces of Red Copper Casting Bronze Dun Unearthed in Xulou Liu Jie, Hu Gang, Zhou Hua(178)
Photostability and Fluorescence of Tibetan Paper for Archives Jia Minghao, Huang Xiaoxia, Cai Mengling, Zhang Meifang, Hu Gang(191)
Conservation Science
Modification and Performance of Super-hydrophobic Surface on Iron Cultural Relics Wen Jianhua, Hu Dongbo(206)
Research on Ancient Ceramics Repair—Hardness and Damage to Pottery Panchromatic Materials Wen Jianhua, Hu Dongbo(221)
Study on the Reinforcement Effect of Inorganic Sol on Powdered Jades Huang Xi, Hu Dongbo(234)
Modification and Performance of Super-hydrophobic Surface on Iron Cultural Relics Hu Pei, Hu Dongbo, Hu Gang(243)
Applications of X-ray Fluorescence Analysis in Cultural Relic Analysis Zhang Xinrui(254)
Progress of the Application of Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials in the Conservation of Stone Cultural Relics He Jing, Hu Dongbo(266)