1 解放和发展社会生产力,是社会主义的本质要求。
Unlocking and developing the productive forces is a fundamental t________ of socialism.
2 我们要优化区域开放布局,加大西部开放力度。
We will push for a more balanced regional opening-up l________ by opening the
western region wider.
3 凡是在我国境内注册的企业,都要一视同仁、平等对待。
A________ businesses registered in China will be treated equally.
4 开放带来进步,封闭必然落后。
Openness brings progress, while self-seclusion l________ one behind.
5 我们将创新对外投资方式,加快培育国际经济合作和竞争新优势。
We will d________ new ways of making outbound investments and build up our strengths
for international economic cooperation and competition.
6 我们要推动形成全面开放新格局。
We will work to make new ground in pursuing opening up on all f________.
7 我们要全面实施市场准入负面清单制度,激发各类市场主体活力。
We will introduce a negative list for market access nationwide and energize various
market e________.
8 要推动国有资本做强、做优、做大,有效防止国有资产流失。
We will support state capital in becoming stronger, doing better, and g________ bigger,
and take effective measures to prevent the loss of state assets.
9 我们要支持资源型地区经济转型发展。
Support will be given to resource-depleted areas in their economic t________.
10 要高起点规划、高标准建设雄安新区。
We will develop forward-looking plans and adopt high standards for b________ the
Xiong’an New Area.
1 深化国有企业改革,发展混合所有制经济,培育具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业。
We will deepen reform of state-owned enterprises, develop mixed-ownership economic
entities, and turn Chinese enterprises into world-class, globally competitive firms.
2 要以疏解北京非首都功能为“牛鼻子”推动京津冀协同发展。
We will relieve Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital and use this
effort to promote the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
3 要促进农村一、二、三产业融合发展,支持和鼓励农民就业创业,拓宽增收渠道。
We will promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary
industries in rural areas, support and encourage employment and business startups
there, and open up more channels to increase rural incomes.
4 农业农村农民问题是关系国计民生的根本性问题。
Issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people are fundamental to national
stability and people’s wellbeing.
5 要加强对中小企业创新的支持,促进科技成果转化。
We will support innovation by small and medium-sized enterprises and encourage the
application of advances in science and technology.
6 这些工作将为建设科技强国、质量强国、航天强国、网络强国、交通强国、数字中国、智
These efforts will provide powerful support for building China’s strength in science and
technology, product quality, aerospace, cyberspace, and transportation; and for building
a digital China and a smart society.