1.1.1 将语言视为文化的主体性基本表现手段
语言是翻译学视角中的文化的“主体或主干”(main stay or main-stem)。离开语言,翻译学将无从谈论也无以谈论文化。在翻译学看来,语言是文化的主要体现者和依据,撇开语言来谈文化,对翻译学而言,无异于缘木求鱼,那是不可思议的。其所以如此,道理很简单:翻译的操作依据和对象是语言。
在翻译学视角中,把握住语言,就可以从主体上、大体上把握住其中含蕴的文化内涵。这就是说,翻译家、翻译理论家认为,一般说来,原语语言是传达其中所含蕴的文化信息的主体手段和基本维度。翻译家并不需要也并不期望借助其他手段(如图像、图表、图画、影像等等以及除语言以外的符码),来感受、领悟、把握、再现原语中所含蕴的文化信息。下面的一则原语语段是关于《醉拳》(A Drunkard's Boxing)“把式”的介绍:
Starting Position
Stand upright to face the south at the west end of the court, with both legs straightened, feet closed together, hands hanging at sides of the body, and fingers stretching together with palms close to thighs.
Points to note: Keep head erect, chin tucked in, and eyes looking straight ahead; hold chest thrown out, back erect, shoulders relaxed and arms comfortably hanging down; concentrate attention and keep perfectly relieved and at ease.
细心地作双语对照阅读就可以发现,汉语所描绘的那种典型的中国式开拳把式已呈现到了英语中。不仅如此,翻译还可以完全凭借语言手段将原语中变化多端、动势感极强的电影蒙太奇场景一一和盘托出。下面是《三国演义》第八十回章末一个著名的“动作蒙太奇”(short action montage)《董太师大闹凤仪亭》:
下面是Moss Roberts的英译:③
Dong Zhuo, who was still at court, began to wonder where Lü Bu had gone. He bid the Emperor a hasty goodbye and returned home in his carriage. Seeing Lü Bu's horse tied at his front gate, he questioned the gateman and was told that the general was in the rear chamber. Dong Zhuo dismissed his servants roughly and went looking for Lü Bu. Not finding him in the rear chamber, he called for Diaochan. She too was not to be found. “She is in the back garden viewing the blossoms”, the maidservants told him. Dong Zhuo rushed there and saw the amorous pair tete-a-tete at the Phoenix Pavilion. The halberd had been set aside. Dong Zhuo's anger flared and he let out a dreadful shout. Lü Bu spotted him, panicked, and fled. Dong Zhuo picked up the great halberd and gave chase. Lü Bu was swift. Dong Zhuo, too fat to catch up, heaved the weapon. Lü Bu knocked it aside. Dong Zhuo retrieved it and continued running, but Lü Bu was already out of range. Dong Zhuo dashed out the garden gate, collided head on with another man running in, and fell to the ground. Indeed:His fury mounted to the sky,But his heavy frame sprawled upon the ground.
Who had knocked him down?