本书以语言学的合作原则理论为基本方法论,从言语表达方面入手,考察简·奥斯丁三部主要作品中的人际关系,系统探讨奥斯丁小说的语言艺术。 全书分为五个部分。引言综述19世纪以来奥斯丁小说研究的阶段性发展,并对本书所使用的理论方法进行简述。首章讨论《傲慢与偏见》中的两性关系;次章讨论《爱玛》中的亲子关系;第三章讨论《劝导》中的女性关系。主体论述部分综合使用合作原则、人际功能及言语表达等理论,对简·奥斯丁小说的高超语言艺术及深刻思想内涵进行了抽丝剥茧的分析。结语部分点名了本书的创新意义,希望为文学与语言学研究的学术交叉与互融提供助力。
1. A Critical Survey of Linguistic Studies on Jane Austen"s Major Fiction
2. The Explanation of Linguistic Theories Concerned
3. The Argument and the Methodology of the Book
4. The Organiztion of the Book
Chapter One Cooperative Principle in Male-Female Relationship in Pride and Prejudice
1. Application of CP in the Realization of Diverse Collaboration
2. Violation of CP in the Demonstration of Mild Conflict
Chapter Two Interpersonal Metafunction in Parent-Child Relationship in Emma
1. Mood in the Reflection of Fettered Love
2. Modality in the Manifestation of Devious Growth
Chapter Three Speech Representation in Female Relationship in Persuasion
1.Direct Speech Representation in the Display of Disharmonious Relationship
2. Indirect Speech Representation in the Exhibition of Compatible Friendship