Full Paper Hydraulics and Energy Dissipation on Stepped Spillways-prototype and Laboratory Experiences Analysis of the Effect of Rainfall Station Spatial Distribution on Flash Flood Simulations Analysis of the Impact of Sediment on Flood Disaster in Shouxi River Basin Channel Evolution Along the Yichang-Chenglingji Reach Downstream of the Three Gorges DAM Comparative Analysis of Comprehensive Evaluation Methods for Dam-break Consequence Comparisons Between SWAT and SWAT+ for Simulating Agriculture Management in a Large Watershed, a Case Study in Lijiang River Basin, China Dynamic Flow Pattern Analysis Based on Energy Spectrum of Fluctuating Bottom Pressure in the Stilling Basin with a Negative Step Effects of Weir Height on Water Level and Bed Profile in a Degrading Channel Experimental Study on Clear-water Scour Evolution Downstream of Rock Weirs Experimental Study on Flow Characteristics in Curve Open Channel with Suspended Vegetation Experimental Study on Responses of Bed Morphology and Water Level to Unsteady Sediment Supply Experiments on the Deterministic and Non-deterministic Effects of Water Inflow on Channelized Configurations During the Lacustrine Delta Evolution Free-Surface Characteristics of Undular Hydraulic Jumps in a Shallow Channel Influence of Asymmetry on the Performance of a Breakwater Type Point Absorber Wave Energy Converter Influence of Sandspit Variability on Coastal Management Processes at the "Bouche du Roi" Inlet, Benin Influence of Synchronization Time of Hybrid CPU/GPU 1D-2D Coupled Model for Urban Rainfall-runoff Process Longitudinal Distributions of Phytoplankton of the Pengxi River in Low Water Level Long-term Water Security of Metropolitan Regions: Assessment of Water Supply Systems Modelling Sediment Transport Capacity of Loessial Slopes Based on Effective Stream Power Non-invasive Measurements of Benthic Oxygen Exchanges of a Drinking Reservoir by Eddy Correlation Method Real-time Water Depth Prediction of Multiple Manholes Based on Spatio-temporal Correlation Reoccured Paleo-glacier Dammed Lakes and Outburst Floods in Langcang River Research on Influence Factors of Sedimentation of Three Gorges Reservoir Research Progress on the Formation Mechanism and Numerical Modeling of Cyanobacteria Blooms Risk Assessment of Landslide Dams with Different Internal Structure Simulation of Colloids Transport and Retention by Pore-network Model: Influence of Particle Size and Flow Velocity Study on Relationship of Sediment Delivery Ratio with Inflow and Operational Water Level of the Three Gorges Reservior Study on the Scheme of Diverting Clean Water Operation in the City Proper of Changzhou The Analysis of Flood Limit Water Level in Longyangxia Reservoir During Different Flood Stages Based on Fuzzy Theory The Characteristics of Air Flow Driven by Free Surface of Open Channel The Impact of Climate and Land-use Changes on Freshwater Ecosystem Services Flows in Lianshui River Basin, China The Influence of Atmospheric Pressure Decrease on Cavity Characteristics of the Drop-step Aeration Facilities ……