1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the research
1.2 Aims of the study and research questions
1.3 Approach to the study
1,4 Datacollection
1.5 Organization of the book
2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Origins and development of intertextual theories
2.2.1 Bakhtin and intertextuality
2.2.2 Kristeva and intertextuality
2.2.3 Foucault and intertextuality
2.2.4 Fairclough and intertextuality
2.3 Studies on corporate identity construction
2.3.1 Definition of corporate identity
2.3.2 Relevant studies
3 Analytical Model oflntertextuality in Corporate Identity Construction
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Theoretical foundations
3.2.1 Intertextuality on the textual dimension
3.2.2 Intertextuality on the thematic dimension
3.3 Intertextual analysis model in the present study
3.3.1 Textualintertextuality
3.3.2 Thematicintertextuality
4 Textual Intertextuality in Corporate Identity Construction
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Quotations
4.2.1 Different types of quotations
4.2.2 Direct Speech
4.2.3 IndirectSpeech
4.2.4 Narrative Report of Speech Acts
4.3 Rhetoricaldevices
4.3.1 Rhetorical principles
4.3.2 Allusion to literature
4.3.3 Reference
4.3.4 Parody
4.3.5 Stylistic metaphor
5 Thematic Intertextuality in Corporate Identity Construction
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Cohesive intertextuality
5.2.1 Synonymy
5.2.2 Hyponymy
5.2.3 Meronymy
5.3 Presupposition intertextuality
5.3.1 Propositional modes
5.3.2 Propositional expressions
5.3.3 Propositional functions
5.4 Extended metaphoricalintertextuality
5.4.1 Metaphorical representations
5.4.2 Metaphorical modes
5.4.3 Mapping relations
5.5 Summary
6 Conclusion