本书由近百个“无字证明”组成。无字证明(Proofs Without Words)也叫作“无需语言的证明”,一般是指仅用图像而无需语言解释就能不证自明的数学结论。无字证明往往是指一个特定的图片,有时也配有少量解释说明。本书正是因为图片丰富而趣味十足,所以取名为数学写真集。
This work was originally published in English under the title, Proofs Without Words, III: Further Exercises in Visual Thinking.©2015 held by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. The present translation was created by China Machine Press under authority of the American Mathematical Society and is published by permission.
北京市版权局著作权登记 图字:01-2016-8122号。